The Corporate Transparency Act

The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), which came into effect as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, has brought significant changes to the reporting requirements for small businesses, including Limited Liability Companies (LLCs). As an LLC owner, it’s crucial to understand and comply with these new regulations. Here’s a guide to…

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Navigating the Real Estate Market: Single Family Dwellings vs. Multifamily Investments

Real estate has long been a cornerstone of investment portfolios, offering the potential for both steady cash flow and long-term appreciation. Among the myriad options available to investors, two popular choices are single-family dwellings (SFDs) and multifamily properties. Each comes with its own set of advantages and considerations, making the decision between the two a…

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Navigating Real Estate Investment Success in the Face of High-Interest Rates

In the dynamic landscape of real estate, successful investors understand that adapting to market conditions is key. With interest rates on the rise, navigating the challenges becomes crucial for those aiming for success in real estate investment. Understanding the Impact of High-Interest Rates: Explain how high-interest rates affect borrowing costs and mortgage rates. Discuss the…

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Why Real Estate is a Fantastic Investment

If you’ve found yourself on this site, you’re likely probably already convinced of the value of real estate investing, but perhaps you’re still learning why real estate over other investment vehicles. I’m anxious to relay to you an article written by Brandon Turner, founder of Bigger Pockets, entitled 12 Reasons Rentals Are Simply the Best…

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Finding a Great Home Inspector

Many thanks to Whitey Hutten over at Bigger Pockets for this article on how to find a Great Home Inspector. Check out the full article here. Here is a portion of the article that’s helpful… How to Vet a Home Inspector There isn’t a national certification to be a home inspector, and requirements vary state…

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Average Annual Return

Good investors are always measuring the performance of their investments. When it comes to investment properties, what is the measure of a good investment? Some real estate investors invest for cash flow while others invest anticipating the appreciation of the assets. The Average Annual Return takes three metrics into account: cash flow, appreciation, and amortization.…

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