When to Evict a Tenant: A Guide for Landlords

As a landlord, one of the most challenging aspects of rental property management is deciding when and how to evict a tenant. Eviction is often viewed as a last resort, but there are times when it becomes necessary to protect your property and financial interests. In this guide, we’ll help you identify the situations that…

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3 Keys to Successful Landlording

It seems easy. Collect rent, respond to maintenance requests and watch your investment grow. It is easy, most landlords have a great experience renting out their properties. But we have all heard the stories—maybe we’ve become the story—of the tenant disaster. Threatening tenants, property damage, legal costs—it’s enough to make some landlords get out of…

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Child Care Regulations for Oregon Landlords

With the passage of SB 599, effective January 1, 2024, landlords are now required to allow child care in their rental homes: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2023R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/SB599/Enrolled What I hope you may find reassuring is that your tenant can’t just open their door and watch however many children or babies they want under any circumstances. There are strict state…

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The Corporate Transparency Act

The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), which came into effect as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, has brought significant changes to the reporting requirements for small businesses, including Limited Liability Companies (LLCs). As an LLC owner, it’s crucial to understand and comply with these new regulations. Here’s a guide to…

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The Crucial Role of Regular Property Inspections for Landlords: Ensuring a Win-Win Scenario

Owning and managing rental properties can be a rewarding venture, providing a steady income stream and potential long-term investment growth. However, with this opportunity comes the responsibility of maintaining the property and ensuring a safe and habitable living environment for tenants. One crucial aspect of effective property management is the regular inspection of rental units.…

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Are You an Interested Party?

One of the simplest, yet most effective ways for landlords to protect their assets is to require their tenants to hold liability insurance. When a tenant buys a renter’s insurance policy, there are typically two aspects to the policy. Within certain limits set forth in the policy, tenants can have their contents covered against fire…

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Oregon Rent Cap for 2021

Every year in September Oregon sets the rent cap for the following year. Senate Bill 608 (2019) tasked the Oregon Office of Economic Analysis to set and publish the Oregon rent cap which is based upon 7% plus Consumer Price Index (CPI). Earlier in the week, the Oregon Office of Economic Analysis at 9.2% for…

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Why Real Estate is a Fantastic Investment

If you’ve found yourself on this site, you’re likely probably already convinced of the value of real estate investing, but perhaps you’re still learning why real estate over other investment vehicles. I’m anxious to relay to you an article written by Brandon Turner, founder of Bigger Pockets, entitled 12 Reasons Rentals Are Simply the Best…

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When It’s Time to Hire a Property Manager

I came across this article recently by Sabine Ghali titled 6 Signs It’s Time To Hire A Property Management Company, I think it’s worth your time to read. I’ve always been a proponent of people managing their own properties. However, you have to see your rental as a business, because that is what it is.…

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